Some New Realization about My Body

I went swimming today and then finally realized that I don’t have the muscles of "explosive force". I am never good at short distance running, actually not good at any kind of running, and for swimming, if I want to swim faster, then I use the wrong myscles. I can still feel that my muscles are used, but just not exhausted for most cases. I actually never tried to exhaust my body too much, never fast at climbing stairs, never walk too fast, etc. And this also reflects on my choice of sports – yoga but not boxing, traditional dance but not contemporary. The interesting thing occurs to me is how come I can stay so calm with my body, but so unstable with my emotions.
But just as I swam in the beautiful pool under the blue sky, some bad emotions that I accumulated from the week all came out. Anger, sadness, rage, disappointment. When I paid more attention to my physical being, my emotional needs therefore float out. When I listen to my body, my mind starts to ring too. To take the inability of my body is just as important as to intake all my emotions. How we make ourselves feel good, then how we can make us feel bad. It’s like I have always felt the people who know how to be sweet and kind know exactly how to be rude and sour. In this case, maybe I didn’t love my hot yoga class that much, I love it only because it consumed my physical strength too much to allow me for having any other thoughts.
Just another thought of the day – I finally have my oven moves in, I should bake a cake tomorrow!

One thought on “Some New Realization about My Body

  1. The ability to “take” our weaknesses of our mind, physical body or of our emotions is one of the most important strength someone could possess! This strength creates balance against our weaknesses. Yet! It is our duty to try to improve our weak sides!!!! Never stop strengthening our body, our minds, soul… … The more you practice yoga the more flexible you become. That’s exactly what you need to do with your mind and with your emotions…. Flexibility is a strength of mind too… the more flexible you are the less things are going to upset you, the less you need to be angry, you don’t need to rage about anything coz you will know that’s not the solution… just like aggression was never the way to win a battle…
    I hope I’ll hear from you!

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